Wednesday, February 10, 2010














brain, memory, learning and creativity

understanding the architecture

  • sensors
  • filters
  • processors


hierarchy of information

  • vision
  • voice
  • emotions
  • language
  • semantics

the higher the information level, the faster the memory for it but smaller quantity in our brain. the visual memory has huge quantity, but quite slow in terms of erase and update. so we can use our permanent memory to generated vision info and sore them into our visual memory which can store many many information,but come with a draw back that it can not erase and update very quickly, but don’t worry they are just buffers so eventually you can still reuse them.

a good strategy is to generated information( compact and structured) to a visual form and then take a look at your picture. then you will be able to remember them for a much longer time and access them on demand.

so the key is the picture or voice generation, so how to generated them, any guidelines?

imagine you have two picture to look, the more interesting the picture it is, the more likely you are able to remember them longer. same goes with the voice. so how exactly we find things interesting, one thing might be related to the new information and our knowledge, say how novel it is and how well does it fit our knowledge and rules.

this process of getting a picture shows some aspect of information synthesis and creativity which I will talk about in the later part. 

algorithm of learning

the idea of learning is the opposite to synthesis, where we extract level by level from the raw information, and finally discover the gold. very like a filtering process, but with more sophistication and recursion.

so when we learned some thing, say a language, we can use it to learn further knowledge about some thing, and keeps going, so inside our brain, we have a hierarchical knowledge base and we keep building it up, kind of like a graph which model the environment we live in, but not a firmware which means we can change part of it if it does not model correctly.


information synthesis and creativity

one we have a model of the world in our brain, we can run our simulations in side our brain and generate some outputs which after some refinement or optimization, we can speck them out or write them down. that is the essence of information synthesis. but how creative our information is generated, has much more thing involved.

think about generating a joke, that will obviously require much more creativity than just a small talk.

joke is great example, but it has some formulas which is good for us to study more about creative info synth. of course there are many different kind of jokes, some are so called stupid jokes and some are called intelligent jokes, here we have look at the intelligent jokes, dramatic change but logically reasonable, dirty but beautiful, push and pulls.

so it seems all about a good balance, or symmetry, or many other other principles such as recursions, reflections,etc which we perceive them as our fundamental knowledge, which again is part of our model has the most agreement with the nature!

electron and atomic network

a first subtle question for those physicist,

What is the time that the electron need to jump from one energy state to the next energy state? [a professor’s answer]


I am a EECS person, But I know the importance of materials structures for my circuits and system to perform. I know Carbon network is the future, but in order to harness it’s power I have to understand how the network or bond form between atoms (carbon for example).

I started with quantum mechanics, first thing I learned is the E=hv, it’s fine, discrete energy is not a problem for me to accept, but the concept of energy is related to frequency, I took 1 hour to figure it out, the real reason is classical mechanic ‘think’ the energy is the area under the signal in the amplitude-time plane, which is not actually true for EM waves, for EM waves, the energy is the area under the spiral of the EM vector in E-M-T 3D space. then the frequency does contribute to the area, therefore related to the energy.

the second concept than is the discrete frequency/energy for those photons, after a bit of thought, I know it’s a consequence of standing waves, but what is from of the standing wave, if you think the very first question I asked, electron jump/drop from one energy state to another state, how long does it take? if the answer is 0, then the frequency will be infinite and there will be not way we can see it either by eye or instrument! if the time is 1/f, then the length of the gap will tell us the time, but note, for H, 3->2 transistion give a 656.3 nm gap!! a transistor in today’s semiconductor process only has a gap of 28nm!

so how about look at it from a different perspective, a standing wave in the energy band ring, 2*pi*radius=656.3nm, which give the radius 104.45nm, still a bit too big, how about 4/3*pi*(radius)^3, which give 5.39nm for 3->2 gap of H, given the fact that H=H(base band) bond is 31 +-5pm, 3->2 band should be much bigger to generate the 656.3nm light, which is the lowest for hydrogen.

I will make more figure for the explanation, but now, let’s think about the consequence of this electron model for atom. first, electron don’t really have those rigid energy bands now, instead, it’s like a spherical standing wave! imagine a water sphere in space, the surface standing wave is what I am talking about.

what about double split experiment, think electron as a cloud or loosely coupled network like water, you can get the right result.

so what is electron then, and why it can be used to from bonds between atoms, well, I would like to imagine two water drops positively charged and surround by a layer of oil and another layer of negatively charged water, both floating in space, and they should form bond if the amount of charge for each layer is right.

a last question, is speed of light really constant? I would say electron’s standing wave motion is the key, currently, c=wavelength * frequency, if the wave length is the radius of the sphere, then the outer layer will have slower frequency, and inner layer will have higher frequency, so the product for c is a constant.

in our world, matter seems to either reflex or slow down light. and the maximum speed is when there is no atom in it’s way.

but what if the atom is a anti-matter? will these pattern reverse, say,  speed it up? you can also check the article below         

Water standing wave

new atomic network formation

Although ice melts and water freezes under equilibrium conditions at 0°C, water can be supercooled under homogeneous conditions in a clean environment down to –40°C without freezing. The influence of the electric field on the freezing temperature of supercooled water (electrofreezing) is of topical importance in the living and inanimate worlds. We report that positively charged surfaces of pyroelectric LiTaO3 crystals and SrTiO3 thin films promote ice nucleation, whereas the same surfaces when negatively charged reduce the freezing temperature. Accordingly, droplets of water cooled down on a negatively charged LiTaO3 surface and remaining liquid at –11°C freeze immediately when this surface is heated to –8°C, as a result of the replacement of the negative surface charge by a positive one. Furthermore, powder x-ray diffraction studies demonstrated that the freezing on the positively charged surface starts at the solid/water interface, whereas on a negatively charged surface, ice nucleation starts at the air/water interface.

quantum entanglement and six degree of connection

if you feel stressed, it actually means your another live is calling you, is that amazing?

we all lived in two lives in the time span of our existence. in fact, 1/3 is the normal world, 1/3 in dream world and 1/3 doing nothing.

a interesting fact is, the dream world is non-causal and the normal world is causal. a duality just like the wave-partial duality in physics.

when you try to observe which live you are living, the duality disappear. and that’s what we are mostly thinking about the normal world and it’s duality pair.

so, once we accept the two lives theory, we can now make further conclusions about the “real world”.

fact 1, we are all connected, and our live depend on it, when things connected, they have share a common live, a duality live if you will. such things are (electron cloud, C60, VLSI circuit, neuron network (== our brain), society etc…  )

fact 2, the “secret” is right, what you think determines reality, and the secret of the “secret” is what to think. it up to your perspective, still thinking in the normal world? try to see it as a duality.

fact 3, entanglement of quantum physics is limited by distance, because the connect is limited in space, but what about  entanglement in our society? although we don’t know  everyone in the society, but we all connected, that’s why six degree of connection come to our mind. you may ask what if someone who has no connection at all, then he/she is not living from our perspective of “living”.